Chapter [Sarga] 114


Rama sends Vibhishana to bring Seetha to his presence. Vibhishana brings Seetha to Rama's presence. Seetha casts her looks on the moon-like face of Rama, her beloved husband.

Verse Locator

tamuvaacha mahaapraGYamabhigamya plava~NgamaH |
raamaM vachanamarthaGYo varaM sarvadhanuShmataam || 6-114-1

1. saH mahaapraajJNaH= that highly intelligent; plavangamaH= Hanuma; abhivaadya= having offered his salutation; uvaacha= spoke; tam raamam= to that Rama; varam sarvadhanuShmataam= who was excellent among all the wielders of the bow; kamala patraakSham= and whose eyes resembled the louts-petals.

Having offered his salutation to that Rama, who was excellent among all the wielders of the bow and whose eyes resembled the lotus-petals, that highly intelligent Hanuma spoke to him as follows:

Verse Locator

yannimitto.ayamaarambhaH karmaNaaM cha phalodayaH |
taaM devIM shokasantaptAM maithilIM draShTumarhasi || 6-114-2

2. arhasi= you ought; draShTum= to see; taam deviim= that divine lady; shoka samtaptaam= who is consumed by grief; yannimittaH= for whose sake; ayam= this; aarambhaH= undertaking; karmaNaam= of acts (was done); yaH= and which; phalodayaH= has borne fruit.

"You ought to see Seetha that divine lady who is consumed by grief, for whose sake this course of actions was undertaken and which has (now) borne fruit."

Verse Locator

saa hi shokasamaaviShTaa baaShpaparyaakulekShaNaa |
maithilI vijayaM shrutvaa tava harShamupaagamat || 6-114-3

3. shrutvaa= hearing; vijayam= the news of your victory; saa maithilii= that Seetha; shoka samaaviShTaa= stricken as she was with grief; abhikaaNkShati= is (now) longing; draShTum= to see; tvaam= you; baaShpa paryaakulekShaNaa= her eyes filled with tears of joy.

"Hearing the news of your victory, that Seetha, stricken as she was with grief, is now longing to see you, her eyes filled with tears of joy."

Verse Locator

pUrvakaatpratyayaachchaahamukto vishvastayaa tayaa |
bhartaaraM draShTumichchhaami kR^itaarthaM sahalakShmaNam || 6-114-4

4. tayaa= by her; vishvastayaa= who has trust (in me); pratyayaat= because of confidence which had been inspired by me; puurvakaat= on a former occasion; aham= I; uktaH= was spoken (as follows); 'ichchhaami= I desire; draShTum= to see; bhartaaram= my husband; kR^itaartham= who has accomplished his purpose; saha lakShmaNam= together with Lakshmana.

"By her, who has trust in me because of confidence which has trust in me because of confidence which had been inspired me on a former occasion, I was spoken as follows: 'I desire to see my husband, who has accomplished his purpose, together with Lakshmana.'"

Verse Locator

evamukto hanumataa raamo dharmabhR^itaaM varaH |
agachchhatsahasaa dhyaanamaasIdbaaShpapariplutaH || 6-114-5

5. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; hanumataa= by Hanuma; raamaH= Rama; varaH= who was the foremost; dharmabhR^itaam= among the supporters of righteousness; iiShat baaShpa pariplutaH= was shightly overwhelmed with tears; sahasaa= and suddenly; aagachchhat dhyaanam= became a bit thoughtful.

Hearing Hanuma's words, Rama who was the foremost among the supporters of righteousness, was a little over whelmed with tears and suddenly became a bit thoughtful.

Verse Locator

dIrghamuShNaM cha nishvasya medinIm avalokayan |
uvaacha meghasa~NkaashaM vibhIShaNamupasthitam || 6-114-6

6. viniH shvasya diirgham uShNam= Drawing a deep and warm breath; avalokayam= and casting his looks; jagatiim= on the ground; uvaacha= he spoke (as follows); vibhiiShaNam= to Vibhishana; meghasamkaasham= who closely resembled a cloud in hue; upasthitan= and who was standing nearby.

Drawing a deep and warm breath and casting his looks on the ground, he spoke (as follows) to Vibhishana, who closely resembled a cloud in hue and who was standing nearby.

Verse Locator

divyaa~NgaraagaaM vaidehIM divyaabharaNabhUShitaam |
iha sItaaM shiraHsnaataamupasthaapaya maachiram || 6-114-7

7. upasthaapaya= bring; iha= here; siitaam= Seetha; shiraH snaanam= after she has bathed her head; divyaaN^garaagaam= has been anointed with charming cosmetics; divyaabharaNa bhuuShitaam= and adorned with beautiful jewels; maa chiram= let there be no delay.

"Bring here Seetha, after she has bathed her head, has been anointed with charming cosmetics and adorned with beautiful jewels. Let there be no delay."

Verse Locator

evamuktastu raameNa tvaramaaNo vibhIShaNaH |
pravishyaantaHpuraM sItaaM strIbhiH svaabhirachodayat || 6-114-8

8. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; raamena= by Rama; vibhiiShaNam= Vibhishana; pravishya= entering; antaHpuram= the gyaecium; tvaramaaNaH= in haste; achodayat= communicated his presence; siitaam= to Seetha; svaabhiH striibhiH= through his own women.

Hearing the words of Rama, Vibhishana, after entering the gynaecium in haste, communicated his presence to Seetha, through his own women.

Verse Locator

tataH siitaaM mahaabhaagaaM dR^iShTvovaacha vibhiiShaNaH |
muurdhni baddhaaJNjaliH shriimaanviniito raakShaseshvaraH || 6-114-9

9. tataH= then; shriimaan= the glorious; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; raakShaseshvaraH= the king of demons; dR^iShTvaa= after seeing; maahaabhaagaam= the highly fortunate; siitaam= Seetha; baddhaaN^jaliH= with his palms joined; muurdhni= over his head; viniitaH= humbly; uvaacha= spoke (as follows):

Then, the glorious Vibhishana the king of demons, after seeing the highly fortunate Seetha, with his palms joined over his head, humbly spoke to her as follows:

Verse Locator

divyaa~Ngaraagaa vaidehI divyaabharaNabhUShitaa |
yaanamaaroha bhadraM te bhartaa tvaaM draShTumichchhati || 6-114-10

10. vaidehi= O Seetha!; divyaaNgaraagaaH= anointed with charming cosmetics; divyaabharaNa bhuuShitaaH= and adorned with beautiful jewels; bhadram te= if you please; aaroha= mount; yaanam= on the vehicle; bhartaa= your husband; ichchhati= wants; draShTum= to see; tvaam= you.

"O Seetha! Anointed with charming cosmetics and adorned with beautiful jewels if you please, mount on the vehicle. Your husband wants to see you."

Verse Locator

evamuktaa tu vaidehI pratyuvaacha vibhIShaNam |
asnaataa draShTumichchhaami bhartaaraM raakShasaadhipa || 6-114-11

11. evam= thus; uktaa= spoken; vaidehii= Seetha; pratyuvaacha= replied; vibhiiShaNam= to Vibhishana (as follows): raakShaseshvara= O king of demons!; ichchhaami= I wish; draShTum= to see; bhartaaram= my husband; asnaatvaa= even without taking the bath.

Hearing the words of Vibhishana, replied as follows: "O king of demons! I wish to see my husband, even without taking my bath."

Verse Locator

tasyaastadvachanaM shrutvaa pratyuvaacha vibhIShaNaH |
yathaahaM raamo bhartaa te tattathaa kartumarhasi || 6-114-12

12. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vachanam= those words; tasyaaH= of Seetha; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; pratyuvaacha= replied; arhasi= you ought; kartum= to do; yathaa tathaa= in whatever manner; raamaH= Rama; te bhartaa= your husband; aaha= mentioned; tat= that.

Hearing those words of Seetha, Vibhishana replied as follows: "You ought to do the bidding of Rama, your husband, as he has enjoined you to do."

Verse Locator

tasya tadvachanaM shrutvaa maithilI bhraatR^idevataa |
bhartR^ibhaktivrataa saadhvI tatheti pratyabhaaShata || 6-114-13

13. shrutvaa= hearing; tat rachanam= those words; tasya= of Vibhishana; saadhvii= the virtuous; maithilii= Seetha; patidevataa= regarding her husband as a divinity; vR^itaa= endowed as she was; bhartR^i bhaktyaa= with a devotion to her husband; pratyabhaaShata= replied; tatheti= "so it be!"

Hearing those words of Vibhishana, the virtuous Seetha, regarding her husband as a divinity, endowed as she was with a devotion to her husband, said in reply, "So t be!"

Verse Locator

tataH sItaaM shiraHsnaataaM yuvatIbhirala~NkR^itaam |
mahaarhaabharaNopetaaM mahaarhaambaradhaariNIm || 6-114-14
aaropya shibikaaM dIptaaM paraardhyaambarasaMvR^itaam |
rakShobhirbahubhirguptaamaajahaara vibhIShaNaH || 6-114-15

14-15. tataH= then; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; aajahaara= brought; siitaam aaropya= prevailing upon Seetha to ascend; diiptaam shibikaam= a shining palanquin; paraarghyaambara samvR^itaam= covered with an exceedingly valuable cloth; guptaam= and guarded; bahubhiH raakShasaiH= by numerous demons; shiraasnaataam= after she has bathed her head; samyuktaam pratikarmaNaa= after making use of toilet and other cleansing facilities; mahaarhaambaradhaaraNiim= had put on very costly robes; mahaarhaabharaNopetaam= and had been adorned with exceedingly valuable jewels.

Prevailing upon Seetha to ascend a shining palanquin, covered with an exceedingly valuable cloth and guarded by numerous demons, after she had bathed her head and cleansed her body, had put on costly robes and had been adorned with exceedingly valuable jewels, Vibhishana then brought her to the presence of Rama.

Verse Locator

so.abhigamya mahaatmaanaM GYaatvaabhidhyaanamaasthitam |
praNatashcha prahR^iShTashcha praaptaaM sItaaM nyavedayat || 6-114-16

16. abhigamya= approaching; mahaatmaanam= the great-souled Rama; aasthitam= who was absorbed in thought; jJNaataapi= even after coming to know that Seetha had arrived; saH= vibhishana; praNataH cha= offered his obeisance; prahR^iShTashcha= and with full of great joy; nyavedayat= announced to him; siitaam praaptaam= that Seetha had arrived.

Approaching the great-souled Rama, who was absorbed in thought, even after coming to know that Seetha had arrived, Vibhishana offered his obeisance and with full of great joy, announced to him that Seetha had arrived.

Verse Locator

taamaagataamupashrutya rakShogR^ihachiroShitaam |
harSho dainyaM cha roShashcha trayaM raaghavamaavishat || 6-114-17

17. upashrutya= hearing; taam aagataam= that Seetha had arrived; rakShogR^iha chiroShitaam= after living long in the abode of a demon; raaghavam= Rama; aavishat= was filled; harShaH= with jo; roShashcha= indignation; dianyam= and felt miserable (too); trayam= all the three (at once).

Hearing that Seetha had arrived after living long in the abode of a demon, Rama was filled with joy, indignation and felt miserable too all the three emotions at the same time.

Verse Locator

tataH paarshvagataM dR^iShTvaa savimarshaM vichaarayan |
vibhIShaNamidaM vaakyamahR^iShTo raaghavo.abravIt || 6-114-18

18. ahR^iShTaH= feeling unhappy; vichaarayan= on considering; savimarsham= with deep thought; (the question of Seetha having come in a palanquin, all the way); raaghavaH= Rama; tataH= then; abraviit= spoke; idam vachaH= the following words; dR^iShTvaa= looking at; vibhiiShaNam= Vibhishana; paarshvagatam= who was by his side.

Feeling unhappy on considering with deep thought, the question of Seetha having come in a palanquin, all the way, Rama then spoke the following words, looking at Vibhishana who was beside him.

Verse Locator

raakShasaadhipate saumya nityaM madvijaye rata |
vaidehI saMnikarShaM me shIghraM samupagachchhatu || 6-114-19

19. saumya raakShasaadhipate= O the gentle king of demons; nityam rata= who is forever intent; madvijaya= on my victory! vaidehii= (Let) Seetha; samupagachchhatu= duly seek; me samnikaSham= my presence; shiighram= quickly.

"O the gently king of demons, who is forever intent on my victory! Let Seetha duly seek my presence quickly."

Verse Locator

sa tadvachanamaaGYaaya raaghavasya vibhIShaNaH |
tUrNamutsaaraNe yatnaM kaarayaamaasa sarvataH || 6-114-20

20. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vachanam= those words; tasya raaghavasya= of that Rama; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; dharmavit= who knew what was right; utsaaraNam kaarayaamaasa= began to disperse the people; tatra= there; tuuNam=quickly.

Hearing those words of that Rama, Vibhishana, who knew what was right, began to disperse the crowd there quickly.

Verse Locator

ka~nchukoShNIShiNastatra vetrajharjharapaaNayaH |
utsaarayantaH puruShaaH samantaatparichakramuH || 6-114-21

21. kaN^chakoShNiiShiNaH= demons wearing jackets and turbans, vetrajarjana paaNayaH= their hands carrying staffs which made a jingling sound; samantaat parichakramuH= walked all round; tatra= there; utsaarayantaH= dispersing; taan= those; yodhaan= warriors.

Demons wearing jackets and turbans, their hands carrying staffs which made a jingling sound, walked there all round, dispersing those warriors.

Verse Locator

R^ikShaaNaaM vaanaraaNaaM cha raakShasaanaaM cha sarvataH |
vR^indaanyutsaaryamaaNaani dUramutsasR^ijustataH || 6-114-22

22. vR^indaani= crowds; R^ikShaaNaam= of bears; vaanaraaNaam cha= monkeys; raakShasaanaam cha= and demons; utsaarya maaNaani= dispersed; sarvashaH= on all sides; utthasthuH= bounced; duuram= for a distance; antataH= from their nearness (to the palanquin).

Crowds of bears, monkeys and demons, dispersed on all sides, bounced for a distance, from their nearness to the palanquin.

Verse Locator

teShaamutsaaryamaaNaanaaM sarveShaaM dhvanirutthitaH |
vaayunodvartamaanasya saagarasyeva nisvanaH || 6-114-23

23. teShaam utsaaryamaaNaanaam= while they were being dispersed (in that way); abhuut= there was; sumahaan svanaH= a very great sound; saagarasya niHsvanaH iva= resembling the roar of sea; uddhuuyamaanasya= lashed; vaayunaa= by a storm.

While those warriors were being driven away, there was a very great sound, resembling the roar of a sea, lashed by a storm.

Verse Locator

utsaaryamaaNaaMstaandR^iShTvaa samantaajjaatasambhramaan |
daakShiNyaattadamarShaachcha vaarayaamaasa raaghavaH || 6-114-24

24. dR^iShTyaa= seeing; utsaaryamaaNaan= them being dispersed on all sides; jaatasambhramaan= excited; raamaH= Rama; atha= then; vaarayaamaasa= stopped; tat= it; daakShiNyaat= out of kindness (for those who were being driven away); amarShaat= and resentment (at the behaviour of the demons who were dispersing them).

Seeing them being dispersed on all sides excited, Rama then stopped that operation of those who were dispersing them, out of kindness (for those who were being driven away) and resentment (at the behaviour of the demons who were dispersing them).

Verse Locator

saMrabdhashchaabravIdraamashchakShuShaa pradahanniva |
vibhIShaNaM mahaapraaGYaM sopaalambhamidaM vachaH || 6-114-25

25. raamaH= Rama; samrabdhaH cha= enraged as he was; chakShuShaa pradahanniva= with his looks as though burning; abraviit= spoke idam vachaH= the follwoing words; sopaalambham= with a reproach; mahaapraajJNam vibhiiShaNam= to the highly intelligent Vibhishana.

The enraged Rama, consuming the demons with his looks as it were, Rama spoke the following reproaching words to the highly intelligent Vibhishana

Verse Locator

kimarthaM maamanaadR^itya kR^ishyate.ayaM tvayaa janaH |
nivartayainamudyogaM jano.ayaM svajano mama || 6-114-26

26. kimartham= why; ayam janaH= these people; klishyate= are harassed; tvayaa= by you; anaadR^itya= disregarding; maam= me?; nivartaya= stop; udyogam= this exertion; ayam= these; janaH= people; svajanaH= are my own people.

"Why disregarding me, are these people harassed by you? Stop this exertion. They are my own people."

Verse Locator

na gR^ihaaNi na vastraaNi na praakaaraastiraskriyaaH |
nedR^ishaa raajasatkaaraa vR^ittamaavaraNaM striyaH || 6-114-27

27. gR^ihaaNi= An apartment; na= is not; aavaraNam= a thing that protects; striyaaH= a woman; na= nor; vastraaNi= robes; na= nor; praakaaraaH= compound-walls; na= nor; tiraskR^iyaa= the concealments; na= nor; iidR^ishaaH= such; raaja satkaaraaH= royal honours; vR^ittam= Her character is her shield.

"An apartment is not a thing that protects a woman, nor robes, nor compound-walls, nor concealments nor such royal honours. Her character is her shield."

Verse Locator

vyasaneShu na kR^ichchhreShu na yuddhe na svayaM vare |
na kratau no vivaahe cha darshanaM duShyate striyaH || 6-114-28

28. stiyaaH= A woman; darshanam= becoming visible; vyasaneShu= in times of a clamity; na duuShyate= is not condemned; na= nor; kR^ichchheShu= in battles; svayamvare= in self-choosing of a husband by a princess at a public assemly of suitors; na= nor; kratua= in sacrificial ceremonies; na vaa= nor; vivaahe= in marriage functions.

"A woman becoming visible to public in times of a calamity is not condemned in difficult situations, nor in battles, nor in self-choosing of a husband by a princess at a public assembly of suitors, nor in sacrificial ceremonies nor in marriage-functions."

Verse Locator

saiShaa yuddhagataa chaiva kR^ichchhre mahati cha sthitaa |
darshane.asyaa na doShaH syaanmatsamIpe visheShataH || 6-114-29

29. saa eShaa= the yonder Seetha; vipadgataa chaiva= is in distress; sthitaa= and beset; mahati= with a great; kR^ichchhre= difficulty; naasti= there is no; doShaH= fault; ayaaH darshane= in her becoming visible in public; visheShaataH= particularly; matsamiipe= in my presence.

"The younder Seetha is in distress and beset with a great difficulty. There is no fault in her appearance in public, particularly in my presence."

Verse Locator

visR^ijya shibikaaM tasmaatpadbhyaamevopasarpatu |
samiipe mama vaidehiiM pashyantvete vanaukasaH || 6-114-30

30. tasmaat= that is why; upasarpatu= let her come; padbhyaameva= on foot alone; utsR^ijya= leaving; shibikaam= the palanquin; vanaukasaH= let these monkeys; pashyantu= see; vaidehiim= Seetha; mama samiipe= in my presence.

"That is why, let her come on foot alone, leaving the palanquin there. Let these monkeys see Seetha in my presence."

Verse Locator

evamuktastu raameNa savimarsho vibhIShaNaH |
raamasyopaanayatsItaaM saMnikarShaM vinItavat || 6-114-31

31. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; raameNa= by Rama; savimarshaH= the intelligent; vibhiiShaNah= Vibhishana; viniitavat= with decency; upaanayat samnikarSham siitaam= brought Seetha to the vicinity; raamasya= of Rama.

Hearing the words of Rama the intelligent Vibhishana, with decency, brought Seetha to Rama's vicinity.

Verse Locator

tato lakShmaNasugrIvau hanUmaaMshcha plava~NgamaH |
nishamya vaakyaM raamasya babhUvurvyathitaa bhR^isham || 6-114-32

32. nishamya= hearing; vaakyam= the words; raamasya= of Rama; lakShmaNa sugriivau= Lakshmana, Sugreeva; hanuumaamshcha= and Hanuma; plavangamaH= the monkey; tataH= then babhuuvuH= became; bR^isham= very much; vyatitau= perturbed.

Hearing the words of Rama, Lakshmana Sugreeva and Hanuma the monkey then felt very much perturbed.

Verse Locator

kalatranirapekShaishcha i~Ngitairasya daaruNaiH |
aprItamiva sItaayaaM tarkayanti sma raaghavam || 6-114-33

33. daaruNaiH iN^gitaiH= from the pitiless facial features; asya= of Rama; kalatra nirapekShaiH= showing indifference to his consort; tavkayanti sma= they conjectured; raaghavam iva= as if Rama; apriitam= had a displeasure; siitaayaam= towards Seetha.

From the pitiless facial features of Rama, showing indifference to his consort, they conjectured as if Rama had some displeasure towards Seetha.

Verse Locator

lajjayaa tvavalIyantI sveShu gaatreShu maithilI |
vibhIShaNenaanugataa bhartaaraM saabhyavartata || 6-114-34

34. saa= that; maithilii= Seetha, for her part; avaliiyanti= shrinking; gaatreShu sveShu= into her limbs; lajjayaa= with modesty; abhyavartata= approached; bhartaaram= her husband; anugataa= followed; vibhiiShaNena= by Vibhishana.

Seetha, for her part, shrinking into her limbs with modesty, approached her husband, duly followed by Vibhishana.

Verse Locator

vismayaachcha praharShaachcha snehaachcha paridevataa |
udaikShata mukhaM bhartuH saumyaM saumyataraananaa || 6-114-35

35. saumya taraananaa= the pleasant faced Seetha; patidevataa= who considered her husband as the divinity; udaikShata= saw; saumyam= the charming; mukham= face; bhartuH= of her husband; vismayaachcha= with a surprise; praharShaachcha= with a surprise; praharShaachcha= rejoice; snehaachcha= and affection.

The pleasant-faced Seetha, who considered her husband as the divinity, saw the charming face of her husband, with a surprise, rejoice and affection.

Verse Locator

atha samapanudanmanaHklamaM saa |
suchiramadR^iShTamudIkShya vai priyasya |
vadanamuditapUrNachandrakaantaM |
vimalashashaa~Nkanibhaananaa tadaasIt || 6-114-36

36. atha= then; saa= that Seetha; vimala shashaaN^kanibhaananaa= with her face resembling the bright moon; tadaaniim= at that time; udiikShya= seeing; vadanam= the face; priyasya= of her beloved husband; adR^iShTam= which had not been seen; suchiram= for a long time; uditachandra puurNa kaantam= and which was charming like the rising full-moon; apanudat= and dispelled; manaH klamam= her mental fatigue.

Seeing the face of her beloved husband, which had not been seen for a long time and which was charming like the rising full moon, she forth dispelled her mental fatigue.


ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe chaturdashaadhikashatatamaH sargaH

Thus, this is the 114th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Verse Locator for Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War : Chapter 114


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© August 2009, K. M. K. Murthy